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Thursday, September 29, 2022

1-2-3 Fat Free! The Best Way to Lose Fat in 3 Easy Steps

So, what do I mean when I say 1-2-3 Fat FREE? Well, what I am saying is that in just 3 steps you can be well on your way to having body that is Free from fat!

Eliminating and burning unwanted body fat is as easy as 1-2-3 and I'm going to show you exactly how. Once you utilize and apply these 3 easy steps the rest is just mere details and while the details can and will determine both the speed and the amount of body fat you are able to torch from your body, they mean nothing if you fail to follow or miss the 1-2-3 step fundamentals, I amount about to share with you.

Ok, here goes.

1. Put Less in Than You Put Out

2. Put Smaller Amounts in More Frequently

3. Burn More Than You Use

Now this may not seem particularly glamorous or sexy, it may seem overly simplistic and somewhat boring to many but let me level with you, this is the truth guys. These are the fundamentals and people are who successful at losing body fat and creating lean physics know that fundamentals must be practiced daily. I am not trying to sell you here, so I am not going to repackage these steps and try to make you believe you need some fancy fat burner or supplement pill to get results, you simply need to be consistent and apply what you learn.

Successful people are able to look past and beyond what may seem simplistic. They do not necessarily have some fancy way of doing things or know any smart tricks that you don't they simply have a proven system for success and most importantly they apply what they know. They may not always know more information than you, in fact you may know more then them but what good is that knowledge if you don't use it? this 1-2-3 step process is all you need to lose fat, you just to apply it on a regular and ongoing basis!

1. Put Less in Than You Put Out

Simply means eat fewer calories than you burn off each day.

2. Put Smaller Amounts in More Frequently

Eating little and often is key to keeping metabolism high and stabilising blood sugar which is essential to fat loss.

3. Burn More Than You Use

You must burn fat you cannot just starve it so you must use the right kinds of exercise to burn the maxim amount of energy, calories and fat. The other end of the scale to step 1.

That's it!

Bodybuilders are the absolute masters at eliminating and burning maximum amount of body fat in record time and while you may have no wish to become a body builder you can certainly learn from them because they are experts at shredding pounds of unwanted fat with precision. What new research comes out with now, what dietary and nutritional experts claim to teach now as new "stuff" bodybuilders have known about for decades.

And this 1-2-3 step process is exactly what a bodybuilder will follow in order to get ready for a show or competition. For at least 12 weeks and sometimes between 16-20 weeks a bodybuilder will follow this 1-2-3 step process with consistency to shred masses amounts of fat and get super lean in record time. No one on the planet can get the crazy levels of body fat that these guys do, and they can do it repeatedly time and time again at will and with precision because it is a proven system for success that works every single time regardless of age, race, gender, metabolism or genetics.

Granted they will use certain supplements to accelerate the rate and speed to which they get results but as I mentioned these are just details and mean nothing without the fundamentals. And those fundamentals lie in the simple 1-2-3 step process!


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