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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Ten Weight Loss Hacks

Losing weight is not just a matter of eating the right foods and getting enough exercise, it is also a matter of developing the mental side of it because unless you get yourself into the right frame of mind your weight loss efforts are doomed to fail. Here are ten weight-loss hacks.

1. Develop a healthy living mindset

Weight management is more a healthy living mind-set rather than a weight-loss one. Get into healthy living habits try not to focus on how much weight you are losing. Focus instead on getting enough exercise and eating the right foods. Healthy living also means living well and looking after your mental well-being. Unless you are in the right headspace you will not be in the right frame of mind to make the right choices as far as what you eat.

2. Decide to be happy despite your current circumstances

Some people make a decision that they are not going to be happy until they lose x amount of weight or for some other reason. In other words, they need a license in order to be happy. The catch-22 situation is that a low self-esteem will undermine your weight-controlling efforts. Being happy is your responsibility and yours alone. It is up to you to find your own calling in life and being the person, you were meant to be will go a long way towards achieving happiness and once you achieve that it will be easier to achieve your ideal weight.

3. Be yourself

There is no one else like you so be the best at being you rather than an imitation of someone else. It is better to polish the personal unique gifts and talents you have rather than be envious of others who are gifted in other areas. You are not meant to hide the talents you have or keep them to yourself but rather share them with others so that they may benefit from them. As far as weight-loss goes, it is futile to try and achieve a model-like figure when you have a different body-type.

4. Don't compare yourself with others

Run your own race and let others run their races. People who have a low self-esteem tend to make unfavorable comparisons with others. It is true that people tend to date their self-esteem. They are attracted to people who have the same issues as they have. Just accept who you are and if others do not like who you are then that is their problem, not yours. Just do your best!

5. Take no notice of the infomercials

Advertisers will use all the tricks in the book to appeal to your desires. That includes making you feel guilty about who you are. Honestly, you can understand why some women's self-esteem suffers when you see some of the ads. There is usually a disclaimer in the ad saying, "results are not typical." Understand that for every person who appears in those testimonials there are countless others who were unsuccessful despite all their efforts. The success stories you read of are often exaggerated.

6. Ignore the before and after ads

Take no notice of the before and after adverts. The only before and after photos you should concern yourself with are your own. An unflattering photo is always used for the before photo. You do not know what goes on in order to produce such a flattering image in the after photo.

7. Make small changes daily

Make gradual changes to your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a different routine whether that is changes to your diet or a new fitness regime. Develop good habits by taking bite-sized changes. It will all take time but it is better than trying to achieve too much in a short time then losing heart and giving up. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was anything else worth achieving so be patient.

8. Don't lose heart

It may be frustrating when you are not making much progress. Don't lose heart, just keep to your healthy living plan and you will at least be satisfied that you are doing the right thing. Focus on your hobbies and this will keep your mind off worries. Enjoy living your life despite your circumstances.

9. Take up new hobbies and sports

This is essential for your well-being because unless you are in the right headspace your efforts to control your weight will be in vain. Have you heard of the saying "comfort eating?" Sport enables you to connect with others and helps to build up your network of friends and acquaintances. Getting involved in some kind of sport is an activity that will certainly help you to control your weight and help maintain your mental stability. There are a number of sports you can take up and it does not matter how unfit you are. Even walking around the block is better than not exercising. The key is to get into the habit of exercising. Your capacity to do more exercise will increase as your fitness increases.

10. Understand there are no magic formulas

There is no magic formula for obtaining the body you want. There is no easy solution or short-cut method for reducing your weight. It takes effort and sacrifice, and you have to decide whether it is all worth it. There is an ideal weight for all body types. Therefore, you need to establish what is the ideal body type for your weight.


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Monday, October 17, 2022

4 Ways to Boost Your Natural Testosterone Levels

When it comes to hormones, testosterone is considered the king hormone. In males, testosterone is produced mainly in the testicles. In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries although in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in the body begins significantly increasing in the late teens and starts to decline after the age of 30. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone, and it has a huge effect on your muscle mass and bone density, body fat levels, mood and red blood cell production.

Low testosterone levels can cause a wide variety of symptoms including weight gain, low sex drive, low energy, depression and low self-esteem. While testosterone levels naturally decline as you age, there are multiple ways you can boost your testosterone levels to maintain optimal levels of this critical hormone.

Signs & Symptoms of Low-Testosterone:

(In Men)

  • Little interest in sex (low libido)
  • Unable to sustain or get an erection
  • Unable to build muscle
  • Depression
  • Lethargy, weakness & overall low energy levels
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Low motivation
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased strength during exercise
  • Signs of gynecomastia, an abnormal increase in breast tissue size
(In Women)

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Declining muscle and bone mass
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Weight gain
  • Painful intercourse
If you're experiencing at least 3 of the above symptoms on a consistent basis, meaning they're present daily, and you've been experiencing them for more than a few weeks, go see your doctor for a testosterone level blood test, then adopt the following steps...

How to Boost Your Natural Testosterone Levels:

  • Reduce Your Stress Levels
In today's fast paced, hurried society, reducing your stress levels can be easier said than done. We worry about our jobs and children, and we stress over finances and relationships. Research has shown that being chronically stressed out increases your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that your body releases in small amounts during the day in response to different stimulus. However, chronically elevated cortisol levels can quickly cause your testosterone levels to plummet.

  • Get Plenty of Sunshine (Vitamin D)
Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. Along with having numerous health benefits including helping with weight loss, it may also work as a natural testosterone booster according to a study done by German researchers. Ideally, you'll want to get at least 20 minutes of sun exposure per day to optimize your body's Vitamin D levels.

If you live in the far north in a climate without much regular direct sunshine and getting daily sun exposure is not realistic for you, I highly recommend that you supplement with a quality Vitamin D product.

  • Supplement with Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a plant that's been used in alternative and Chinese medicine to treat various health conditions. Fenugreek is a plant that grows in the forest with pods that contain small brown-golden fenugreek seeds. It's commonly used as a spice and sometimes found in personal care products such as shampoo and soap.

Fenugreek is a good source of several important nutrients, but its beneficial effects are used primarily for testosterone and libido boosting purposes. In one study, researchers provided 500 mg of fenugreek per day to 30 college-aged men. The men combined fenugreek with an 8-week weightlifting program and performed four training sessions per week, with half of them receiving the supplement.

When researchers compared the fenugreek supplement group to the non-supplement group, they noted a slight decline in testosterone in the non-supplement group and an increase in testosterone in the fenugreek group. The fenugreek supplement group also experienced a 2% reduction in body fat.

  • Don't Shy Away from Meat, Eggs and Butter
Meat, especially red meat, if it's one of the leaner varieties such as sirloin, top round or London broil, is an excellent testosterone booster. This is because red meat is rich in cholesterol, and cholesterol is a direct precursor to testosterone in your body. As with any other food, it's important to choose only the highest quality meat you can find at the grocery store, this means grass fed is a must and organic if possible.

Regular or conventional beef does not have the same health benefits as grass fed beef due to the difference in feed between feed-lot cows and pasture or grass-fed cows. Just like lean red meat, eggs are an excellent source of saturated fat and cholesterol which help boost your natural testosterone levels.


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Friday, October 14, 2022

Best Body Bodybuilding Workouts for Muscle Growth by Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist

Choosing the best bodybuilding workouts today can be somewhat challenging. There are many theories swirling around the world of muscle building, many of which are not backed by science. With that said, how do you pick the right bodybuilding workout that will deliver the most muscle in the least amount of time?

If you are truly a bodybuilder interested in achieving the most muscle in the least amount of time, choosing the perfect weightlifting program is a must. Each bodybuilding routine must be tailored towards your specific goals, and medical history.

Now the big question is which bodybuilding workouts are the best to use?

Before picking a workout routine it is always recommended to change your training program around from time to time. Doing so will keep your body from adapting to similar stimuli and will also prevent boredom with your program. By following these two suggestions, it is fair to say your muscles have a better chance at growing.

One of the best bodybuilding workout routines is training three days each week in a highly intense, time efficient manner.

It is important to make sure you incorporate the following exercises into your weight training workout: quad leg extensions, leg presses, or squats, leg curls, chest press, dumbbell pullovers, shoulder press, mid rows, bicep curls, triceps extension, pull-ups, dips, standing toe raises, and last by not least, abdominal exercises.

Please note when choosing the better bodybuilding workout programs, you should not try to do all the exercises in one day. It is best to pick a muscle building workout that breaks the body parts up. Doing so will help boost exercise intensity and increase muscle recuperation.

One of my favorite muscle building workouts is to train back and chest on Mondays, quads, hamstrings, and calves on Wednesday, and shoulders/arms on Friday. The weekends are off when you recover and build muscle tissue.

A muscle building workout such as this is one that should not last more than 30 minutes. Make sure you plan your rest between sets accordingly, so that you can exert maximum intensity on each muscle building set. Also, don't forget to warm up set or two using one half of the training weight you will be using for the work set.

Also, when preparing to begin your routine make sure you do a couple of warm up sets to get your body ready for high intensity weight training. This will help warm the muscle up and decrease the chance of injury.

Another great bodybuilding tips is to focus closely on form. Your goal is to eliminate momentum when executing a strength training exercise. By doing so you will create a higher intensity workout by creating more tension on the targeted muscle.

It is always recommended to seek the advice of a professional fitness trainer, and sports nutritionist. With the help of these two professionals, it will be much easier to reach your ultimate fitness goals.

When bodybuilding, it is important to try to stay patient. Muscle results happen
over time. They don't happen overnight. Building muscle tissue is a process that will occur if you are patient.

Don't forget to incorporate all of the major muscle groups into your exercise program each week. Of course, it is preferred to break them up to avoid overtraining. Your goal is to have maximum bodybuilding workout intensity all while also getting the most muscle building rest absolutely possible.

When deciding on the best bodybuilding programs to use, it is important to pick ones that works each major muscle group once to twice a week, depending upon intensity. Also, look for programs that give your muscle groups maximum muscle rest to facilitate growth.

Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist

Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC

9461 Charleville Blvd. #312

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Quickly discover how you, too, can put your bodybuilding workout [] on growth overdrive. These bodybuilding tips [] will reveal how to build more muscle in less time.


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Top 7 Fat Burning Foods to Help You Lose Weight FAST

In this post you will discover the 7 natural, tasty fat burners that anyone can include in their healthy weight loss recipes. These are all rich in nutrients and possess Fat-melting talents for you to shed some unwanted pounds off your body.

You can include these foods in any sensible weight loss recipe to give your body that extra metabolic kick, which is vital to shave off weight quickly. All the foods listed below are very rich in nutrients and possess special fat-burning talents which in turn will satisfy your hunger.

1. Grapefruit -- Grapefruit is a must when it comes to healthy recipes for weight loss. According to Dr.John Cerd of the University of California it dissolves fat and cholesterol and has an average of 74 calories, which in turn delivers a whopping 15 grams of pectin. This is a special fibre which helps to lower fat and cholesterol. It is also rich in vitamin c and is fat and sodium free.

2. Coffee -- coffee is considered one of the best metabolic enhancers according to Dr. Mary Adams of the University of Florida. Studies also show it can burn more calories than normal. We've all heard though about the potential dangers of caffeine which can increase anxiety and insomnia. So, moderation is the key here. (To follow a low-calorie weight loss recipe, add some skimmed milk and try doing it without sugar)

3. Soups -- a study was affected way back in 2004 by a very talented nutritionist Dr Andrew Foreyt of Baylor College of medicine in Texas. He found that dieters who ate soup before lunch and dinner as part of their low-fat weight loss recipes, tend to keep the weight off longer than those who didn't and in fact the more soup they ate the more weight they lost.

4. Apples -- the most practical effect of these marvels of nature is to leave you feeling satisfied longer, says researchers. In fact, A research done by Dr Peter Webber of the medical University of Kentucky shows that apples are very rich in soluble fibre which prevents hunger pangs by guarding against dangerous swings or drops in your blood sugar level. A must in every weight loss diet recipe.

5. Spinach -- Rich in iron, beta carotene and vitamins c and e spinach has the ability to lower cholesterol, burn away fat and rev up your metabolism. It supplies all the weight watchers' recipes with most of the daily nutrients needed.

6. Mustard -- a study by Dr Garreth of Oxford Polytechnic in England found that one teaspoon of mustard normally called for in Mexican, Indian and Asian recipes speeds up the metabolism just as caffeine. "Mustard is natural and totally safe" Jane says. "It can be used in everyday weight loss recipes, and it really works" "I was shocked to discover it can speed up the metabolism by as much as 25 to 30%" Dr Jane says.

7. Tofu -- You must include tofu in your weight loss plans. It's a health food from Asia also called soybean curd. Tofu contains iron and calcium, almost no sodium and no saturated fats at all. Experts suggest 40 grams per day. It increases metabolism a lot and even lowers cholesterol. Tofu is ideal for your weight loss recipes when adding it to soups, salads and sauces.

These are just 7 fat burning foods which all contain fat melting talents. There are more proven and popular fat fighting foods to include in your weight loss recipes. You can also learn how to use a technique called calorie shifting - you can confuse your body to burn fat faster.


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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The 5 Vital Gym Suppliments

Discover what I reckon to be the top 5 essential gym supplements that you should incorporate to your supplement stack to help you attain your fitness goals. This list is based on the best supplements to help you build up your strength and muscle. 

Creatine...Especially Creatine Monohydrate

There are tons of differing types of creatine you can buy out there, but Creatine monohydrate is a typical creatine form that is vigorously used by individuals in bodybuilding. When consuming creatine monohydrate supplements, they expand the transformation of energy in the muscles. This expansion in muscle energy creation helps muscle recuperation from a work-out daily schedule. Creatine Monohydrate is composed of amino acids Arginine, Methionine and Glycine; and is produced naturally by the pancreas, liver and kidneys. So literally it's a naturally occurring compound utilized by the human body to produce energy.

Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate 

1. Increases Endurance 

Creatine monohydrate helps massively with endurance. Although endurance athletes may not gain the benefit of the extra muscle size linked to creatine use, they will gain the advantage of lessened muscle recovery times. usually, people feel pain after a hard workout because of lactic acid build up in the muscles. But by using creatine monohydrate, the lactate moves out of muscles much more quickly, ensuring weight trainers and body builders recover quickly between workouts.

2. Helps Muscles Re-grow

When working out, your muscles get torn in places. These tears require lots of energy so as to heal effectively. Not only that when muscles heal, they become larger and stronger. Usually, muscles can take 3 to 6 days to full recuperation without the extra creatine supplementation. However, with proper creatine monohydrate supplementation, this recovery time is less. A shorter recovery period lends to quicker muscle re-growth.

3. Weight Maintenance

When working out to achieve to lose weight, you can use creatine monohydrate as it ensures that muscles in the body burn more calories when resting. This means that even without exercise or activity, the muscles will continue burning calories. Creatine monohydrate and losing weight work in line with the ability of creating to enhance muscle mass efficiently.

How to take Creatine Monohydrate

The overall guideline that individuals keep while taking Creatine Monohydrate is, one 5-gram scoop simultaneously day to day. It is suggested to take it with your pre-exercise supplements on training days although timing isn't as significant on rest days. If you take creatine at different times, you are unlikely to see a noticeable difference as long as you are eating daily. Creatine can also be taken in capsule form.

Whey Protein

You have likely known about whey protein however do you really know the advantages? Whey protein has been huge in bodybuilding throughout recent years because of the results that you can see from taking it. 

Whey protein is basically a food supplement which is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It also is certainly not an extraordinary sort of protein where you will see more muscle gain contrasted with eating different food sources anyway the primary advantage of whey protein is its simplicity. In one scoop you can get 20 grams of tasty protein in a simple to drink shake. This is ideally suited for anybody who is attempting to hit protein goals as you can drink it in between meals.

Mass Gainers

If you are in your teens battling to put on weight, mass gainers could be the way to putting on size and muscle. Mass Gainers may not be fundamental for all ...But for people who battle to put on size and eat sufficient food, they are ideal for shooting up your everyday calories. Ordinarily you would possibly utilize mass gainers when you are attempting to 'bulk' as they don't leave you feeling excessively full, and they supply you with a high measure of calories.

Taking mass gainers, mass gainers are basically like any other protein shake, simply mix the powder with water or milk if you want even more calories. Mix the powder with the liquid in your shaker for about 30 seconds and then enjoy your drink!

Vitamin D3

As mentioned before in a previous post the primary principal advantage of vitamin D is that it can shield you from illnesses. It has likewise been found that vitamin D can assist with producing testosterone which then, at that point, assists with better protein fusion. This is ideal for anybody engaged with lifting weights. As well as these advantages, vitamin D is fundamental to work on bone strength. Vitamin D works close by different minerals, for example, calcium to keep your bones in good health. As you can see having healthy bones is a foundation to help eliminate or help with any potential injuries.

In total: vitamin D3 contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, contributes to the normal function of the immune system, contributes to normal absorption of calcium and phosphorous, and helps to normalize blood calcium levels.

Beta Alanine

Reasons Why You Should Supplement with Beta-Alanine

This may be an under-rated supplement which you should be taking. Beta-alanine is an amino acid that reduces exhaustion and may increase overall exercise performance. It has been found to increase your quality of sets throughout your workouts which comes with many muscle building benefits. Not only that it's often found in pre-workout supplements, and you may have noticed it may give you a tingling feeling if you have ever taken a pre-workout with it. Using Beta Alanine elevates the Carnosine concentration in muscles meaning this is a perfect addition to your supplementation if you partake in sports requiring explosive action such as bodybuilding.

Benefits Include:

  • Increases your workout volume
  • Improves your muscle carnosine content
  • Improves endurance and performance
  • Increases your work-out volume
  • Improves strength and muscle fatigue
  • Helps with concentration and mental tiredness

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Thursday, October 6, 2022

Body Building Workout Routine Tips to Success

So, you want to begin a body building workout routine? You can make getting started very simple, or frustratingly complicated. The choice is yours. An effective body building routine all starts between your ears. Yes, your mind needs to come up with a clear-cut plan of muscle building action. This body building workout plan needs to be written down on paper, and followed until your goal is achieved.

When people begin a new year, it is quite common to make a resolution to positively change something. Whether it is to stop smoking, or to lose fat, or to get into better shape, most people simply won't follow through . When it comes to beginning a body building workout routine, there are a few things that one can do to keep a promise. The most effective way to keep a promise is to make sure that the goals are smart. Another words, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time measured. Looking like Arnold, or the Incredible Hulk in three months of hard strength training is not a very realistic goal. 

Begin weightlifting by starting with smaller weights, and progressively move up in resistance over time. Most body builders, with lots of flowing testosterone, will want to bench press three hundred pounds, and gain muscle every day from the first day of starting a body building program. Instead, begin with seventy-five pounds, and progressively work your way up with each subsequent workout. The muscle building process is all about progressive resistance, and adaptation.

For the first month, the muscles are being trained to begin basic muscle memory, which is an important foundation for a sound body building weight training routine. Also, pick two days a week that you can devote for at least one half hour to your body building workout. Doing some cardiovascular training will serve as a valuable asset to an effective body building workout routine. Try walking or riding a bike, or anything that will increase the heart rate to about eighty percent of its capacity. Spend about thirty minutes preferably after the body building training routine. This will help your body burn more body fat.

Below I have listed a few things you must avoid when starting a weight training body building workout routine.

Just as crucial as doing all of the right things, there are things that one should really avoid. One bad habit to avoid is checking one's weight daily. Even though a recent study suggest this is good, please be advised the human body will variate in weight daily. Instead, I recommend, pick only one day a week to check out personal weight goals. This provides a simple checks and balances system. 

If you are not achieving the numbers you desire, re-evaluate the program, make changes, and continue forward. The same thinking is also true for your weight lifting program; grade the results on a monthly basis in order to see accurate progress. Avoid trying to increase the weights too soon. It is all about the baby steps of progressive resistance. There will be a few peaks and valleys and it can be depressing, but this is a normal cycle that even the pros have to deal with. Avoid missing body building workout days because it is easy to fall out of your set weight training routine.

When a body building workout is compromised once, it is easy to continue this cycle. Do not let this happen. Stick to your plan. Why go through the hardship of getting fit only to quit for a less than valid reason. One other aspect to avoid is a bad body building diet. If one continues to eat unhealthy, the expected results won't happen as quickly. The human body needs good fuel to work and burn effectively. Overall, beginning a proper body building workout routine can possibly add years to one's life if done correctly. Remember, the human body is like an engine. It will run longer with proper care, and maintenance.

So when beginning a body building workout routine, it is encouraged to have a clear cut SMART plan, start out progressively slow, be patient, and be consistent. It is almost certain that fat burning muscle tissue will follow. 


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5 Ways to Help You Loose Fat Around Your Belly

Here's some solid ideas you can carry out through your way of life of how you can go about losing some unwanted fat around your waist. it is essential to take note that everybody's body is different with regards to where you lose fat first. If you follow these proven ways, you will little by little begin to lose fat around your belly. 

Actions to be taken daily:


Probably the least demanding method to begin dropping the pounds is to just walk more each day. In fact, by walking say 10,000 steps plus a day you not only start to burn calories, walking also has the added benefits of strengthening your heart, boosts your energy, can help lower your blood sugar, boosts your immunity, eases joint pain, firms up your legs, improves circulation and improves your mood. So, by adopting this habit on a daily basis you're well on your way to losing belly fat and helping your overall wellbeing.

Decrease your daily calories

How many calories that you are consuming each day will be the fundamental component for weight gain and weight reduction. Consider what you are eating in your daily eating routine and then figure out what you can cut out or replace with healthier options. For instance, say you like something sweet at noon attempt and begin to eat fruit or even a protein bar as a sound other option.

Doing this alongside your walking or regular exercise, you will no doubt start to lose the unwanted fat around your midriff. Also, if you are tracking your calorific food intake and consistently eating 2500 calories a day but not losing weight then it's probably time to up the energy output by doing more exercise or simply lower your daily calories by 200-300. 

Drink enough water

Are you drinking enough water? By simply drinking more water you can stop your cravings throughout the day, and your overall physical performance can increase. We all know by now how important it is to stay hydrated so do yourself a favor and drink more water. Also, studies suggest drinking a more alkaline water as it helps with weight reduction and alkaline water helps alkalize acid in the body. This is especially important for people who consume diets that are rich in acidic foods, such as processed foods, dairy, sugar, and red meats...Not only that it provides antioxidant benefits as well as detoxification.

High volume low calorie food varieties

By eating food sources that are higher in volume yet low in calories, you will see that your everyday calorie consumption will diminish. Vegetables are an incredible way to expand the size of your dinners without adding numerous calories. Different foods like couscous are a super option to your current carb sources as in addition to the fact that they are a high volume, low calorie choice.

Gym Plan

If you haven't started go to the gym yet, you can start by doing 3 full body sessions using weights. When you have done this for a good few weeks, you can then start to increase the intensity and the frequency that you are doing. For example, if you wanted to go 4 times a week you could do upper body, lower body, rest, repeat.  Alongside weight training in the gym, you can also incorporate some cardio exercising...whether this be walking, like we mentioned earlier, or a short run on the treadmill.

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Friday, September 30, 2022

How To Build Muscle on a Vegan Diet

Muscle builders and weight training enthusiasts typically assume that it is difficult to build muscle on a vegan diet, given its lack of animal-based protein. However, what they don't realize is that vegan diets feature plenty in the way of plant-based proteins. Moreover, plant proteins contain very little fat as compared to meat that can elevate cholesterol levels and increase the risk of a heart attack.

It is protein that builds muscle NOT meat

Protein contains essential amino acids that are the building blocks of muscle. The body does not distinguish where the protein comes from, and meat is certainly not the only source.

For example, a 4-ounce piece of beef liver, beef ribs, or ground beef contains approximately 30 grams of protein. You can obtain about this same amount of protein from soy products, namely edamame and tempeh, both of which provide 29 grams and 16 grams respectively for 4 ounces.

There are in fact many serious bodybuilders that are vegan, meaning they eat absolutely no animal products of any kind. Typically, animal protein is filled with unhealthy fat, and since fat intake is of a special concern for those building muscle, a vegan or vegetarian diet offers lower fat plant-based proteins.

How Much Protein?

Athletes should consume 0.7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of lean muscle to build muscle and increase its size.

A Goal That Is Realizable

Therefore, the idea of building muscle on a vegan diet is realizable if you know the nutrient information for various kinds of vegan foods. Therefore, the idea that vegetarians and vegans exhibit scrawny, weakly physiques could not be further from the truth, especially when those physiques have been sculpted through weight-training activities.

Just a year ago, a vegan strongman proved that vegans could be exceptionally strong as he hoisted an impressive, record-breaking 1,212.54 pounds over an area of almost three yards (32.8 feet to be exact).

Because protein is the key ingredient needed for gaining and maintaining muscular strength, bodybuilders and weight trainers require regular intake of protein to feed muscle the nutrition it needs to grow strong and get bigger. Therefore, you can follow a vegan diet and meal plan that features protein-rich foods as a part of your weight training and bodybuilding regimen.

Break Up Meals

It is best to break up meal times into several small meals during the day. Include macronutrients, such as fats and carbs, to maintain the energy needed for intense workouts and activities.

In order to achieve bodybuilding goals, experts recommend that weight-training enthusiasts consume a ratio of 30/30/40 of protein/fat/carbohydrates.

Vegan Protein Rich Foods

Some of the vegan, protein-rich foods that bodybuilders can use to build muscle or weight trainers can eat to build strength include these healthy choices.

Nuts and Nut Butters

When it comes to building muscle, you can't go wrong with nuts as ½-cup supplies as much as 15 grams of protein and healthy fats for heart health and energy during grueling workouts.

All nuts are protein rich, and the lower fat varieties include peanuts, walnuts, and almonds. You can select from so many kinds of nuts to eat that they become an unavoidable food source for building muscle.

Of course, some weight trainers are allergic to nuts. However, for anyone who is immune from the allergens, nuts are an ideal accompaniment to a muscle builder's diet.

Add nuts to salad, grab a handful as snack. Use but butters on whole grain toast, and fruits. There is even vegan nut cheese.


Beans such as pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, and black-eyed peas along with lentils are high quality protein sources that are much lower in fat than animal proteins.

1 cup of black beans has 15 grams of protein and only 1 gram of fat.

They support muscle strength and growth and provide various other essential nutrients the body needs, such as calcium, iron and fiber.

Other great beans include winged beans, kidney beans, chickpeas and hummus, and garbanzo beans.

Tempeh and Tofu

1 cup of tempeh contains almost 31 grams of protein and 18 grams of fat. 1 cup of tofu contains 20 grams of protein and 12 grams of fat.

These plant-based soy proteins contain the same essential amino acids as beef. They can be used to make a wide variety of tasty dishes and to replace meat in traditional recipes.


While quinoa does not contain the same amount of protein as tempeh, this whole grain superfood does contain the nine essential amino acids needed for body building purposes and a whopping 24 grams of protein per cup.

Moreover, the selection of quinoa is seemingly endless as there are 120 featured varieties. Quinoa also provides vegan bodybuilders with plenty of carbs for those long, intense workouts.

Greek Yogurt

6 ounces of nonfat or low-fat Greek yogurt contains 16 grams of protein along with lots of calcium, an ideal protein source for those vegetarians who eat dairy.


Soybean sprouts, lentil sprouts, soybeans, and leafy greens are also high-quality sources of plant proteins and provide various essential nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Include, green peas, corn, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, kale, broccoli, cowpeas, and lima beans, Brussel sprouts, mushrooms, artichokes and asparagus in your diet regularly to get the benefit of these protein rich plant foods.

As you can see, many great plant proteins will support your muscle training efforts, so feel free to eliminate meat and animal products from your diet and go strength train! 


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